Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mold Removal Tips

If you have mold in your home, chances are you probably have those black or white fuzzy spots and that’s a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately. If your home is being invaded by fungus, you need to treat it before it’s too late. Mold removal isn’t all that difficult, but it does require a little time and work.

And whether you believe so or not, you can’t just spray something on the affected area and just wipe it away. Of course you don’t have to take my word for it. You could just surf the Internet for an article on how to get rid of mold, but you’ll find out it isn’t a couple of minutes and then you’re done process.

You will need to arm yourself with the proper supplies like some protective gear and the right product designed for your specific area. For example, if you’ve found fungi growing on your couch, you’ll need a furniture mold removal product; otherwise you may end up ruining the fabric of your couch.

Because your health is already at risk from the mold, your best bet is to choose a natural mold removal product that is safe for the environment, your home and your lungs. And believe us, Mother Nature will thank you for it.

Mold Removal Product Tips

There are some mold removal cleaners that won’t do a good job of removing the fungi. And then there are those that are considered the best in the business, but often come with a hefty price tag. When we’re dealing with mold, we don’t want to spend a lot when we don’t have to, yet we’re not willing to work our butts off in getting rid of the mold either.

But, if you want to get the job done right the first time, it’s absolutely essential to get the best cleaning products whether it’s to remove black mold or mildew. And it’s also essential not to get sucked into the world of chemicals like those found in many fungi cleaners. Because let’s face it, there is a wide range of cleaning products on the market and it’s just too darn enticing to just grab one and go.

So before you hurry through the cleaning isle, consider a product that’s green. Natural mold removal products are meant to be safe for not only the environment, but your health as well. Remember, those hasty and quick decisions can easily put you and your family at risk.

Mold Removal and Dangerous Chemical Cleaners

When it comes to dangerous chemicals found in household cleaners and toxic mold found in your home, there really isn’t much of a difference.

Unfortunately, most people aren’t really bothered by their household cleaners, but they are bothered by toxic mold. That’s because people are used to chemicals and anything new like natural
mold removal products are just too new.

Change is irrelevant, with or without people, but if humans don’t go with the flow, Mother Nature might not be as kind as she once was. When you’re dealing with the dangers of mold, you really need to take into consideration, the dangers of household cleaners too.

Since you’re removing mold for the safety of your health, you need to be using eco-friendly products. And whether it’s a bathroom mold removal product or a kitchen or basement one, it makes no difference. They should all be 100% natural.

So the next time you find mold invading your home, instead of reaching for a toxic mold removal cleaner, why not ditch it for an organic cleaner. Mold is already harmful to your health; there’s certainly no reason your cleaner should be also.

How To Get Rid Of Mold the Green Way

Well all know the dangers of mold and how they can affect not only our health, but the environment we live in as well. But did you know that the cleaners we use to kill the mold might also affect our health and the environment? Instead of using harsh chemicals to kill the fungi, here’s how to get rid of mold the green way.

Consider using tea tree oil to clean your home. A mixture of tea tree oil and water sprayed on the troublesome spot that is allowed to sit for a while is said to remove mold from most surfaces.

Try spraying a solution of distilled vinegar on the moldy surfaces and again allow it to set for a while.

Consider setting the molded item in the sun and let the powerful rays of Mother Nature kill those troublesome spores. Keep in mind however that this is a process that may require several days before it works.

Use baking soda on carpets, rugs and furniture to prevent future fungi outbreaks.

Using the how to get rid of mold tips above are not only a safer way to insure the health of you and your family, they’re also safe on the environment.

More on How To Get Rid Of Mold

Because carpet has a tendency to soak up tons of dirt and moisture, its fibers tend to attract mold with the greatest of ease. Of course you could just throw the carpeting away if you have a lot of money to spend, but economically that’s just not feasible. So here’s an easier solution on how to get rid of mold from your carpet without spending a lot of money.

If you’re concerned about how to kill mold without damaging your lungs, one of the easiest ways to remove mold from your carpet is by locating the source of the fungi and applying a solution of vinegar and water to the spot. You should let the solution set in for at least five minutes and then vacuum with a carpet shampooer.

Once the area dries, you should reapply the solution and clean the area with the carpet shampooer again. To help prevent future mold problems, try using baking soda on your carpet and vacuum up with a vacuum cleaner that uses a HEPA filter. And now that you know how to get rid of mold from your carpet, you can breathe a little easier the next time your kids run barefoot on the floor.

How To Get Rid Of Mold

As you’re probably already aware of, there are a lot of how to get rid of mold articles on the web. Most will tell you how to remove the mold from your home while others provide the best ways to clean the fungi. And if you do anything, it’s very important that you take notes on those articles.

With mold being a serious problem for some many homeowners, it’s not hard to understand why there are a lot of resources about mold and mildew online. And when it comes to the toxic black mold, it can lead to a serious health infection such as chronic coughing.

It’s the very reason you need to consider a cleaner that is environmentally safe whether it’s a mold removal product for the basement or one designed for the bathroom. Or if you’re on a budget you could just use a simple mixture of distilled vinegar and water, which can be sprayed on the shower or shower curtains in your bathroom.

Of course you’ll need to allow the solution to set for several minutes and a little scrubbing will be needed, but in the end the results will be the same just as long as the mold isn’t toxic. So now that you know how to get rid of mold the safe and green way, isn’t it time you put that knowledge to use?

More About Mold and Mildew Removal

At one time or another in your life you have probably had to do a mold and mildew removal job in your home. And even if you’re known as the clean freak, you know that it’s still impossible not to have a mold free house.

As a matter of fact you probably already know that the most common areas for mold are in the bathroom, kitchen and basement and you may even know how to remove the fungus. However, do you know how you can help keep it from coming back?

A dehumidifier can help dry out the moisture and humidity in the air. They’re extremely useful in basements and areas where there may have been flooding or continuous moisture.

Using an air filer or a purifier may help clean the spores from the air, which could prevent mold from growing. Using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter may help trap spores into the filter and make the air clean and breathable.

Fabrics that are resistant to mold such as those made of wool may keep the fungi at bay and save you from another mold and mildew removal job. Because of the increased concerns of dangerous mold, you can find many manufacturers offering bedding, clothing, and curtains that are resistant to the fungus.

Mold and Mildew Removal Tips

Mold and Mildew can become a very serious issue and the removal of it should be taken care of immediately. The fungi can have very serious health affects that can result from exposure of it.

The fungi can also destroy the materials it attaches itself to if it’s left untouched. It can lead to having to hire a professional to perform a mold home test and even worse, mold abatement (clean up). But if the fungus attaches itself to something as simple as an article of clothing, depending on the fabric (such as fur or delicate lace), you may be unable to save it.

As soon as you spot a mold or mildew problem no matter where it may be, clean up is absolutely necessary. Otherwise you’ll find yourself doing a continual process of
mold and mildew removal. After a thorough cleaning, you should consider purchasing a dehumidifier, which can help to reduce the chances of developing the fungi in your home and make your life a whole lot easier.

Mold Remediation Cost Relief

The cost of mold remediation can get pretty pricey if your home is overrun by mold. In fact there may even if additional fees if the damage is extreme. And yet as we all know, there’s no way around those costs without risking ourselves to mold sickness. The good news is there may be a few things you can do to save not only your health and your home, but your wallet too.

Ask your local tax professional if your circumstances allow for a tax deduction of the work done on your home. In some instances and within reason the IRS may allow some relief from home repairs.

If you live in an area where the humidity is high you may qualify for mold insurance if you own a home. Your local agency may even allow you to bill the costs under flood damages depending on your situation.

And finally, check with your county or city for special programs that may allow you to receive a discount on the cost of your mold remediation project. You never know what you may find.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mold Remediation Cost Items to Consider

Mold remediation cost doesn’t always just involve the removal of mold. If there’s a lot more work that needs to be done you may find yourself paying fees for additional services and before you know it, that $400 bill can wind up being $6000. Here are a few things you should keep in mind.

Before the real work can even be done, chances are the company you’re interested in hiring is going to suggest mold testing to determine the extent of the problem.

If there is problem such as a water leak in the bathroom that is causing shower mold, you’ll need to repair the leak and maybe even replace the shower, depending on the extent of the damage.

If the mold is toxic, it could be necessary for you to find other temporary housing until the work is completed.

Don’t let these additional fees scare you away, however. Many of these fees can be lowered with careful planning and just by asking. And if you really do your research, you may even find yourself smiling at a
mold remediation cost that is a whole lot less than you’d originally planned for.

Mold and Mildew Removal

If you have mold and mildew on your walls, removal of the fungus is an absolute must. You’ll first want to wear protective gear such as rubber gloves and a paper mask to keep from coming into contact with the spores of the fungi.

Next, look for a mildew removal product or black mold removal product if necessary. Whether you choose to use an eco-friendly product or not is your own decision since many people are concerned with these products not removing the mold and mildew permanently.

Once you’ve applied the product to your affected walls, you should allow it to set for the time indicated on the bottle and then wipe clean.

Once the walls are free from the fungi, you may want to consider painting them with a product specifically designed to resist mold and mildew verses standard latex paint. Using a mold and mildew resistant paint will allow your next
mold and mildew removal project to be a breeze.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mold Remediation Cost Factors

Because of the economy, many people worry about the cost of mold remediation and we certainly can’t blame them. It’s always a fear that you’ll wind up paying too much and when you’re on a budget, even a few dollars more can make a huge difference.

Most companies will look at several factors before deciding how much to charge you. They’ll look at how much of the area is affected by molds and what types of mold are in your home.

They will also consider the kinds of materials are affected such as a wood structure from attic mold. On average, the price to remove mold from a home can range anywhere from $500-$5000.

But don’t just rely on the
mold remediation cost. Not all companies who offer a reasonable fee offer a better service and vice versa. Your safest bet is to get an estimate of several different companies and then make a decision.

Bathroom Mold Removal Is Your Responsibility

You might not like the idea of bathroom mold removal, but if you live in an apartment where black mold can easily spread, you’re not just risking your own health, but other people’s health as well.

The spores of that fungi can become airborne which means every time you open your front door, those spores are going to travel to other apartments, which can lead to serious health problems such as chronic joint pain, coughing, headaches and memory loss if it’s not caught.

So that’s why it’s extremely important that you know how to remove black mold and fast. You’re responsible for keeping your place clean, not your landlord. It’s your job to do what is necessary to keep your place clean, even if it means reading how to articles on bathroom mold removal.

Sure it may seem like a hassle, but when it comes to your health and the health of others, cleaning up your mess is always the right choice.

Bathroom Mold Removal and Your Health

Most bathroom mold removal requires a little effort to keep your home clean and you and your family healthy. Yet many people find their lives too busy to take the time to remove bathroom mold, so they ignore the problem until it gets out of control.

But ignoring the problem could be making you severely sick. The effects of black mold can cause health problems like respiratory disease, memory loss, bleed of the lungs and migraine headaches. That cold that just won’t go away no matter what you do could actually be caused by the toxic fungus.

That’s why it’s really important that you set aside some time for bathroom mold removal, as soon as you spot a problem. If you don’t you could be risking not only your health, but your family’s health as well. And besides, who really wants to see moldy growth every time they take a shower?

Bathroom Mold Removal

Bathroom mold removal is not always easy to deal with, especially when you’re unsure about the mold you are dealing with and where the source of the problem is actually coming from.

Most mold that grows in bathrooms do so because of the humidity, which acts as a food source for them. To eliminate the growth, you have to remove the food source. One of the most common sources is the shower wall.

If the mold is actually mildew, you can try using a mildew remover to clean the shower, but keep in mind that some molds may require much stronger mold removers to penetrate the spores deep below the surface area.

Because it’s virtually impossible to keep bathrooms dry 24 hours a day, you’ll need to reduce the humidity by investing in a ventilation system or dehumidifier if you haven’t already done so. That is, unless you’d rather spend your time on the clean up and removal of your bathroom’s mold.

More Basement Mold Removal Tips

When it comes to basement mold removal, not every situation is extreme enough that it requires a mold and mildew remover or safety apparel such as rubber gloves or a respiratory mask.

As a matter of fact, there may be some instances where you find that you’re the victim of
pink mold, after you’ve forgotten about that bag of apples left stored down below. If that is the case, there’s no need to panic. This type fungus is generally found on fruits, but in some instances can also be found on ceramic areas such as tiles and on plumbing.

You can either throw the items (such as fruit) away or wipe it down with a simple solution of vinegar and water. Or if you’re really concerned about your basement’s problem, you can use the standard solution of bleach and water to remove the mold.

Basement Mold Removal Tips

I don’t honestly know of any basements that aren’t damp or don’t flood and if they do, then chances are that basement mold removal will eventually become necessary. While not all molds are dangerous, they can damage your home and some like aspergillus mold can cause extreme allergies in some people.

One of the ways you can tell if you have mold growth is by checking for a musty damp smell. Visible mold in dark and damp areas are another sign of a problem. Once you’ve found the growth and it’s source, it’s important to get rid of it immediately. There are many black mold removal products available on the market to suit almost every need.

Before clean up however, you’ll want to make sure the area is well ventilated and that you’re wearing gloves and at the very least a paper mask, to keep from exposing yourself to the toxic molds.

After you’ve accomplished the mold removal process from your basement, you may want to consider investing in a dehumidifier or ventilation system to prevent future problems and an unnecessary risk on your health.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Basement Mold

Basements are notorious for mold and just because you don’t go down in that dark and damp room doesn’t mean you can avoid the clean up and removal of your basement’s mold.

Mold (fungus) grows and at a rate that’s faster than you think and it won’t stop just because you’re delaying the clean up process. In other words, the longer you wait, the bigger the problem will be.

So once you’ve decided to tackle the mess, make sure the fungi growth is no more than 30 sq feet. Anything bigger than that and you’ll need to contact a professional who specializes in household mold removal.

Then, arm yourself with a pair of rubber gloves, a respiratory mask and the right
mold and mildew removal products designed specifically for the task. Finally, follow the product’s instructions and repeat if necessary.

Be sure to check back in a few days to make sure your mold removal process was thorough. Otherwise your basement will be right back to where you started from and it will be all for nothing.

Mold Removal Companies or Do It Yourself

If you’re on a budget as many of us are at the moment, it’s not easy to just hand over thousands of dollars to businesses, even when you know it’s absolutely necessary. And discovering that you have drywall mold in your home is certainly a necessary situation.

That’s why it’s absolutely essential that you contact several
mold removal companies before you make any hasty decisions.

But while choosing from several mold remediation companies does allow you to keep your financial costs on track, you also need to be aware that cheapest is not always the best. Sometimes the cheaper the company, the more they’ll cut corners just to make a bigger profit.

So if the damage to your home is minimal, you may want to consider a
do it yourself mold removal project or at the very least, remove what you can and let the mold removal companies do the rest.

Mold Removal Companies

Whether minor or serious, mold in your home is a problem and one that you shouldn’t have to deal with alone. And while not all molds are harmful like black mold, some cities require homeowners to hire a professional to remove the mold.

If that is your case, you should check with your city to found out if they have a list of recommended
mold removal companies. If not, you’ll need to do a little research and hire one on your own.

The company you hire should be certified and insured. They should do a visual examination of your home and HVAC system to check for any visible water damage mold and other moisture problems. They should also perform a surface test and air-sampling test to analyze the specific molds in your home.

Once testing is done, the company should then recommend what actions you need to take and offer an estimate for clean up. Keep in mind however, that while some mold removal companies will both test and clean up your home, some do not. If this is the case, you’ll need to hire a separate company to do the actual clean up work.